In October and November, 2023, I began experiencing pain in my right arm and shoulder. I could still use it for the most part, but it was steadily getting worse, even with rest. In January, I decided to get it checked out and was referred to Physical Therapy. At first they thought it was a rotator cuff strain, but it quickly became clear it was a frozen shoulder when I began losing range of motion. This was very unexpected, very painful and certainly not something I would have chosen.
Frozen shoulder is most common in women ages 40-65 with no injury. It occurs because estrogen, which is a vital anti-inflammitory, is decreasing. Lucky me!!! I fit right into that category!
Over the course of the next few months, my pain increased as my range of motion decreased. By the beginning of May I had lost 85% of my range of motion. At that point my shoulder was fully frozen, and I could do very little with my right arm. I couldn’t reach, I couldn’t lift, and it was pretty much stuck. I had to stop playing the piano, except for short demonstrations for my students. I had to reorganize my studio, so I could reach everything with my left arm. I had to learn how to use a mouse, wash my hair, and do most things left-handed.
It’s always eye opening to me how perfect God’s timing is. Because Josiah was doing college at home, he was available to help me with tasks that became challenging because of my pain level and lack of range of motion. Simple things like cutting veggies, lifting a laundry basket, pushing a grocery cart, and driving were very difficult. He chauffeured me around, lugged anything I needed him to, went grocery shopping with me, and chopped the veggies. It was truly a blessing to have him around this year, and in hindsight, we can see how God worked everything out according to His plan.
My word for 2024 was “Listen”. I am not good at listening to others, and I’m not good at listening to God. I tend to think about what I want to say to someone, instead of really listening to what they’re saying. And I often think I know better and take the reins, instead of waiting on the Lord and listening for His still small voice.
What started out as a scary illness, an unexpected change of plans, and a painful shoulder, turned into an opportunity to learn further dependence on the Lord and a laying down of expectations.
While 2024 was definitely not what I expected, it was what I needed. God tends to work in ways that we don’t even see coming. And it’s always for our good, even if it doesn’t feel like it in the moment.
God bless you, friend, and happy 2025!
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